Anatomy of a Diaper Rash
Just what causes a diaper rash? Is it yeast? Teething? Diet? Something in your diapers or diaper cream? Use this handy checklist to see what might be causing your little...
Anatomy of a Diaper Rash
Just what causes a diaper rash? Is it yeast? Teething? Diet? Something in your diapers or diaper cream? Use this handy checklist to see what might be causing your little...
Natural Deodorant Ingredients: What you want, a...
So much of what goes on goes in, so here’s what natural deodorant ingredients you want (and don’t want) when you’re choosing a product for yourself and your family.
Natural Deodorant Ingredients: What you want, a...
So much of what goes on goes in, so here’s what natural deodorant ingredients you want (and don’t want) when you’re choosing a product for yourself and your family.
Why natural deodorant? We've got 3 smart reasons.
Why natural deodorant? We’ve got 3 smart reasons to care what goes under your armpits, and a product that’s safe for the whole family.
Why natural deodorant? We've got 3 smart reasons.
Why natural deodorant? We’ve got 3 smart reasons to care what goes under your armpits, and a product that’s safe for the whole family.
How Lavender and Tea Tree Became Mislabeled as ...
From time to time Earth Mama® gets this question and time and time again we tell people: we’re not worried.We’ll explain why below, but the short answer is this: We...
How Lavender and Tea Tree Became Mislabeled as ...
From time to time Earth Mama® gets this question and time and time again we tell people: we’re not worried.We’ll explain why below, but the short answer is this: We...
Does Castile Soap Kill Germs?
While Earth Mama’s Castile Soap is not a hand sanitizer (and not intended to be used as one), it killed 99.9% of germs in the test tubes, and in good...
Does Castile Soap Kill Germs?
While Earth Mama’s Castile Soap is not a hand sanitizer (and not intended to be used as one), it killed 99.9% of germs in the test tubes, and in good...