
Six Pushes - Audrey's Birth Story

Six Pushes - Audrey's Birth Story

Woke up soaked at midnight, and assumed my water had broken. My mother had decided to stay an extra night "just in case," which was awesome. I was especially glad...

Six Pushes - Audrey's Birth Story

Woke up soaked at midnight, and assumed my water had broken. My mother had decided to stay an extra night "just in case," which was awesome. I was especially glad...

The Transformative Power of Birth - Erica's Birth Story

The Transformative Power of Birth - Erica's Bir...

I've been hesitant to share Zoe's birth story because there are no words to accurately convey the transformative power this experience brought to me. But here it goes... After much...

The Transformative Power of Birth - Erica's Bir...

I've been hesitant to share Zoe's birth story because there are no words to accurately convey the transformative power this experience brought to me. But here it goes... After much...

DIY Postpartum Padsicles - VIDEO

DIY Postpartum Padsicles - VIDEO

Postpartum padsicles are a thing, and they’re great: get crafty and use the healing herbally goodness of Organic Herbal Sitz Bath in another way. Save the remaining liquid, pour onto...

DIY Postpartum Padsicles - VIDEO

Postpartum padsicles are a thing, and they’re great: get crafty and use the healing herbally goodness of Organic Herbal Sitz Bath in another way. Save the remaining liquid, pour onto...

When Baby Can't Wait! - Jaya's Birth Story

When Baby Can't Wait! - Jaya's Birth Story

Let me start out by saying, I have never gone into labor on my own. All three of my previous deliveries were induced by means of pitocin. At the beginning...

When Baby Can't Wait! - Jaya's Birth Story

Let me start out by saying, I have never gone into labor on my own. All three of my previous deliveries were induced by means of pitocin. At the beginning...

A Check List for a Comforting, Calm Lying-In

A Check List for a Comforting, Calm Lying-In

Over the moon thinking about life with your new baby? A Lying-in Plan can help you have a comforting and calm recuperation and establish a bond with your baby while...

A Check List for a Comforting, Calm Lying-In

Over the moon thinking about life with your new baby? A Lying-in Plan can help you have a comforting and calm recuperation and establish a bond with your baby while...

Over the Moon with New Baby? Love Your Lying-In!

Over the Moon with New Baby? Love Your Lying-In!

Lying-In was traditionally a period of time for a postpartum mama to heal and bond with her newborn — a practice that’s sadly become an antiquated notion, giving way to...

Over the Moon with New Baby? Love Your Lying-In!

Lying-In was traditionally a period of time for a postpartum mama to heal and bond with her newborn — a practice that’s sadly become an antiquated notion, giving way to...