How to Make DIY Postpartum Padsicles

How to Make Postpartum Padsicles with Herbal Sitz Bath

Postpartum padsicles are a thing, and they’re great: get crafty and use the healing herbally goodness of Herbal Sitz Bath in another way. Save the remaining liquid, pour onto a regular postpartum pad, and freeze it for a clever little perineal ice pack. Trust us – it’s one of life’s secret little wins.

How to Make Padsicles for Postpartum Recovery

  1. Begin with boiling water
  2. Lay Herbal Sitz Bath sachet in glass dish
  3. Pour boiling water over it and steep for 5 minutes
  4. Allow to cool completely, then pour the liquid over each pad, being sure to cover it entirely
  5. Re-wrap the pads and freeze

How to Use Herbal Sitz Bath Padsicles

  1. Put the pad in your underwear
  2. Take a deep breath and put the underwear on
  3. Then make whatever noise you make when you feel REALLY relieved


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

How to Make Postpartum Padsicles with Herbal Sitz Bath


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